Does the human being in the civilized world still live with the law of the jungle? Is whoever has more power, more taste?
< In the name of calming the hearts >
Subject: Mahdi Mouad (AS).
Greetings, along with politeness, respect and congratulations to the international community*.
The savior is the leader, the guide and according to the beliefs of the Shia (Promised Mahdi) and also according to the beliefs of other religions and sects, he is a savior who guides everyone from the space of humanity to the world of humanity.
As the helmsman of this stormy ship, he has the duty of saving and committing to the guidance of mankind in order to steer us away from unreasonable, unbalanced, unbalanced, unjust, unworthy, irrational and cruel speech, behavior and actions and towards the traits of Adam and then guide him to acquire human emotions*.
* We respect his auspicious arrival, congratulate him and savor his appearance * until:
He brought a person to a place where he does not see anything but God
Look at the extent of your status.
And in that case, peace, comfort, prosperity, happiness (or the promised paradise) will be provided.
Now the following questions are asked:
Does Adam (in Saadi’s speech) mean the same human being whose rights are defined and declared in the United Nations or in a different way?
Is this the same human being who worships a great idol called money?
Isn’t this money an idol for mankind?
Isn’t this idol a product of greed?
Isn’t this greed itself the origin of war and killing?
Is it possible to agree to a cease-fire instead of war and killing (brutally) and introduce the culprits and punish them justly by appearing in court?
Is it not that the United Nations is a product of America’s allies?
Is the sale of weapons of mass destruction the only solution (road map) against war, bloodshed and mass murder?
Are human beings and their savior different in the east, west, north, south and middle of the world? or :
Takes the mirror from the pocket of the horizon wheel and in it
May the face of Giti be thousands of types.
Omar Khosrow wants the benefit of the world
which is the existence of the generous gift of benefit.
Are the claimants of human rights again implementing the third world war (especially nuclear)?
Is the manufacture, maintenance, sale and consumption of all these weapons of mass destruction (especially nuclear) exclusive? And is it for peace in the world? And basically, their credit allocation is provided from which sources?
Do human saviors (Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, etc.) need atomic bombs?
Is civilization possible with threats and intimidation?
Is there an answer to such questions or not? Anyway:
As we can see, there is war and brutal killing in every corner of the world, and many countries are led by governments (not nations) from the third world, with extensive media propaganda (or propaganda) of non-human (animal, human and They follow themselves wildly. Therefore, a new definition of animal, human, human being and the rights of each in the United Nations seems to be necessary and even obligatory.
Achieving human and philanthropic goals is one of our duties as a seeker of the undeniable truth, so that we step in its path (to the extent of our ability). Although greed is another bad trait that is still a big obstacle on its way, what:
Whoever greed entered his heart
He did not sleep in the evening and dawn broke.
seeker of truth
*: From a thoughtful point of view: there is a huge difference between an animal, a human being, a human being, a perfect human being, and a divine human being.