Drop by drop it will collect like a sea
How would you feel if you reduce your income by more than six billion tomans a year?
Pricing in PregarOnline is based on competition. It means the lowest price compared to other partner companies.
Pregaronline includes an average discount of 600 Tomans per exchange rate (and sometimes, based on instant and daily promotions, 1000 to 2000 Tomans per exchange rate) compared to other partners.
Assume that 600 Tomans are calculated daily on average at each exchange rate. The average daily request during the year is 100 people and the amount of the request is 300 dollars, as a result, the amount of Pergaronline discount (in fact, revenue reduction) will be over 6 billion in a year, and we are happy about this:
(100*300*600)*365 = 6,570,000,000 Tomans
Foreign exchange expert, Iranians inside the country
Expert on Iranians abroad
Introduction link and basic information
Pregaronline adheres to the following three principles:
The lowest payment rate
The fastest in making payments
The highest in payment accuracy ⏰
This post is written by pargarpay