EDC SMART four and six channel lighting remote control

EDC SMART four and six channel lighting remote control.

Diversity in lighting products and also reducing the power consumption of LED lights in buildings has increased the number of lighting sources.

In this way, a large number of ceiling lights, chandeliers and hidden lights can be placed in one place of the building.

The control of all these lights is done traditionally through the keys installed on the wall.

To make it easier and faster for users to turn on and off the lighting, they use a remote or switch.

in such a way that they control the light from a distance without moving and only by pressing the remote buttons.

Remote controls are offered in a variety of channels.

Each channel of this remote can control up to 1000 watts of lighting. The range of this remote is up to 20 meters.

This product includes two remote parts and power relays. The feeding relays are placed in the way of feeding the lights.

In addition to convenience, another use of lighting remotes for disabled people is to turn lights on and off.



This post is written by EDCtehran