Encyclopedia of economic terms;
What is dumping?
Dumping is the export of a product at a price lower than the cost, or in other words, the sale of the product abroad at a price lower than the domestic price.
Dumping is the export of a product at a price lower than the actual costs, which is divided into three parts.
Continuous or permanent dumping
Persistent or permanent dumping is the tendency of a domestic monopolist to maximize its profits by selling a product at a high price in the domestic market, which is free of trade restrictions or transportation costs, relative to the foreign price that is influenced by powerful foreign competitors.
Destructive or predatory dumping
Destructive or predatory dumping is the temporary sale of goods abroad at a price lower than the domestic price or even at a loss and selling it at a price lower than the production costs, which is used to drive out other competitors or destroy the domestic industry of a country.
Unfortunately, the cheap sales of Roan panels and the sponsoring company of these people do this type of dumping
This is while, after the market of the mentioned product becomes uncompetitive, the prices go up in order to gain profit from the monopoly power, which can be mentioned from the actions of Chinese companies in the market of clothing and other goods.
Accidental dumping
Accidental dumping is the accidental sale of a product in the foreign market at a lower price than the domestic market in order to discharge the unforeseen surplus of the goods because this surplus does not reduce the price in the domestic market. In fact, dumping stops when the excess production is sold. .
It should be noted that creating trade restrictions in an unhealthy competitive market to support domestic industries is allowed, and these restrictions often manifest themselves in the form of anti-dumping duties or the threat of imposing these duties.
Source: Mizan
Let’s think according to the above explanation
Those who sell cheap and low-quality panels in the market. and companies that support these people. What is their purpose!!!
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This post is written by FaraDanesh1