Every citizen should know:
Is a fence optional?
Can anyone do anything in their home, especially today’s wall-to-wall apartments based on the optional wall-to-wall argument? Does the law give such permission to people?
According to Article 40 of the Constitution, no one can use his rights as a means of harming others or violating public interests. In fact, in other words, it should be recognized that the freedom and rights of all of us are limited to the freedom and protection of the rights of others. We are free to the extent that our actions and behavior do not harm others or public interests.
In the civil law, regarding respecting the rights of neighbors, articles have mentioned this issue:
Article 130 states that no one has the right to exit from his house to the neighbor’s house without his permission, and if he exits without permission, he will be required to fix it.
Wow or Article 132, which states: No one can take possession of his own property that causes damage to his neighbor, unless it is a normal occupation and to meet his own need or loss.
Regarding the last article, the conventional amount is determined by the society and its criterion will be the common opinion of the people. So, for example, playing the organ in an apartment of several dozen units and causing noise pollution is one of the examples of harming the neighbors and is legally prohibited. Also, if someone keeps certain types of plants and animals in his house, which causes noise, unpleasant smell, or the entry of vermin into the building, this is another example of harm to others. It is clear that the smell of cooking food and things like that will be out of the topic of our discussion.
In some buildings, the managers have established regulations to maintain the cleanliness of the building, for example, they have prohibited putting shoes in front of the door and placing any kind of decorative items in the stairwells. According to Article 14 of the Executive Regulations of the Law on Ownership of Apartments, the individual must adhere to such regulations and provide the necessary cooperation in this regard.
Finally, it should be said that the optional wall is not so optional these days. The freedom of all of us is limited to the freedom of our fellow citizens. Let’s try not to use our rights as a means of harming others.
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This post is written by erfani777