Explanations of the German Embassy about the type of legal appointments

Explanations of the German Embassy about the type of legal appointments 

Dear friends, be careful in choosing the right option according to your conditions, if you choose the wrong option, Visametric will not provide services and you will have to make another appointment.

“Kopiebeglaubigungen für Studienbewerbungen; Certification of documents for study purposes”
Copy verification for university students: Applicants who are looking for a place to study at a university and applicants for study visas do not need to verify their documents. If you intend to search for a university to study in Germany, choose this category. If it is necessary to verify your documents, you can register your place of study in the document verification process. If your school or university in Germany has asked you to provide the confirmation of your documents along with the verification of copies at the time of study application, bring this request with you in writing on the day of your appointment at Visametric. In this case, you can submit your documents for confirmation.

“Kopiebeglaubigungen Sonstige; Certification of documents for other purposes”
Copy verification for other cases: If you do not need to verify the documents and the verification related to the copies of the documents is not going to be used for the study application, choose this category.

“Legalisation: Studienplatz; Legalization: study place holders”
Certification of documents: Place of study: Please select this category if you have been accepted to study at a German university and want to certify your documents (registration documents) in line with your immigration to Germany.

“Visum: beschleunigtes Fachkräfteverfahren; Visa: fast-track procedure for skilled workers”
Visa: Expedited Workforce Process: If you have received initial approval from the ABH or the Federal Employment Agency (BA) and have been notified that your application needs to be verified (submit their written request to Visametrics) in order to process your application. is, select this row. Otherwise, choose the visa category: Other.

“Visa: Familienzusammenführung; Visa: Family reunion”
Visa: family member: if at least one member of your family has a valid residence card for Germany, a valid visa for Germany or can provide proof of submitting a visa application for Germany, choose this category. Otherwise, choose the visa category: other items.

“Visum: andere; Visa: Other”
Visa: Other: Choose this category if you intend to go to Germany to start work outside of the accelerated process for skilled workers. The beginning of the training course, the medical approval process and similar things are also included in this category.

“Vorlage bei einer deutschen Behörde (z.B. Standesamt); Presentation to a German authority (e.g. registry office)”
Submission of documents to the German authorities (e.g. Civil Registry Office): If one of the German courts or the German authorities have asked you to certify or verify a copy of a document, select this option and submit the corresponding written request to Visametrics.

This post is written by MHT597