Family and children’s choice of field (pathology of interference)

Family and children’s choice of field (pathology of interference)

One of the important choices in the life of every person after finishing high school and deciding to continue studying at the university level is choosing the field of study and the university where he studies. This choice, which has a significant impact on determining the career destiny and even the identity of people, is influenced by various factors that can be divided into two categories, internal and external.

A) External factors:
1- family;
2- educational environment;
3- influential people in one’s life;
4- peer groups;
5- Media and mass communication tools;
6- Advancement of science and technology;
7- Economic, cultural and social fields
8- The method of entering higher education;
9- Acceptance capacity;
10- Labor market

b) Internal factors: The internal factors affecting the choice of field include the following:
1- intelligence and talent;
2- interest and desire;
3- values ​​and attitudes;
4- Beliefs;
5- Sex;
6- ability and skill;
7- personality traits;
8- Individual goals and motivations;
9- Student experiences;
10-Self-confidence and independence.

The family (especially parents) intervenes or gives opinions and consults in the matter of their children’s education, such as choosing their goals, academic orientation and field of study.
Sometimes these interventions in the form of consultation and opinion are positive and effective in the progress and correct orientation of the child, and sometimes they cause wrong choices and failure, the result of which will be dissatisfaction and lack of success.

The cases in which families interfere incorrectly in their children’s educational orientation are as follows:

– Families want their children to study in fields that are common in their family.
– Families sometimes push their children in a direction that they have not reached.
– There are also cases where families set ambitious academic goals for their children that are impossible to achieve.

Therefore, it is recommended to respectable families to leave the final decision to their child in coordination and consultation with the volunteer and expert and knowledgeable consultant, as research works show that if you decide for yourself, you will stick to your choice and decision and be motivated. More continues on the path ahead.

Dear families, take the following recommendations seriously:
– Do not compare your child with others and guide him according to his abilities.
– Do not impose your past regrets and unfulfilled dreams on your child.
– Be sure to be with your child when deciding to choose a field and do not leave him in the field selection centers.
– Help your child gather information and identify reliable sources.
– All children feel religious in front of their family’s efforts and this feeling can affect their choices, help them make their choices more realistic and away from emotions.
– Course reports and even entrance exams do not show your child’s character, but only show his performance in the entrance exam, so don’t act in a way that lowers your child’s self-esteem and self-confidence.
– Allow your child to express his interests and preferences in choosing a field and even implement it, otherwise he may enter a field that he is not interested in.

Some of the consequences of not being interested in the field of study are:
– Being unmotivated towards studying;
– lack of concentration in studying and reduced learning in courses and academic drop;
– aimlessness and confusion;
– turning to deviations such as addiction;
– Not having healthy and strong relationships with other people;
– Wasting capital and time;
– creating additional load for the system;
– Not enjoying being a student.

Read it consciously and intelligently so that you don’t get into trouble in choosing a field and your work is not left to others.

This post is written by emamrezayegharibb