F&E Transport company in Germany and all over the world
Dear friends, with one call from our transporters, you can transport and move household items, furniture, sofas, chairs and all household items, buy heavy household items from Poco, IKEA, buy kitchen cabinets and install and assemble them.
To reserve a car, WhatsApp
Dear friends, we will help you too
Address, Neusser str 40 Köln
Contact number 017624266863, send a WhatsApp or Telegram message for coordination, thanks
At a reasonable price
Dear friends, you can receive the cost of moving or umzug from Jobcenter or Social or Agentur für die Arbeit with an official invoice from our company.
Kostenvoranschlag, Angebot
for Jobster,
Installation of Rang Amiri bathroom, installation of chandelier
Firma F&E Transport
Trtransporter mit fahrer nur pro stunde
Aller Art – schnell, fachkompetent, günstig
Wir bieten für unsere Kunden die folgende Dienstleistungen im Bereich des Transport in Köln
– Möbeltransport, Möbel Transport
– Möbeltaxi, Möbel Taxi (IKEA, für umzüg
– Kleinumzug
handy, whatsApp, SMS, Telegramm