Fingerprinting systems in the European Union

Fingerprinting systems in the European Union:

The EU uses four types of computer systems for immigration:

1.EURODAC computer

The computer, which is used for asylum purposes, was launched in 2001 and is located in the European Commission building in Luxembourg and the management part in the DJ building in Brussels. The most common use of this computer unit is to enforce the European Dublin Act.
It prevents a refugee from applying for asylum in more than one country. Fingerprints of people aged 14 and over are stored on the computer for 10 years after the date of fingerprinting and are automatically deleted after 10 years. .

If a refugee becomes a European citizen or leaves Europe legally, his or her fingerprints will be erased within 10 years.

The information stored includes:

Country of asylum seeker, place and date of asylum application, case number, date fingerprints were taken, date information was sent (name and surname are not recorded for protection of the refugee).

People who are arrested by the police for illegal entry or exit and do not apply for asylum and obtain a departure certificate will have their fingerprints kept for 2 years, if the person leaves Europe legally, his or her fingerprints will be deleted within 2 years. .

The Arudak computer is also used to identify refugees living in black.

It is used to detect terrorists with written permission.

The computer is not used for issuing visas or other immigration matters, access to the computer is limited to offices.

The asylum seeker can obtain his/her information from this computer unit upon written request.

2. Computer
 V.I.S , Visa Information System

The main part of the computer is in Strasbourg, France and the other part is in Sankt Johann, Austria.

This computer has been up and running since October 10, 2011. All Schengen countries, the UK and Ireland must be connected to the system within two years of the computer’s launch. When applicants apply for a visa or their visa is rejected, renewed or cancelled, in all cases, their fingerprints, photographs and other information will be stored on the computer for five years after the visa expires. In several European countries, the system is not yet in place and a code is issued to the visa holder instead of a fingerprint. Fingerprints are taken from people 12 years of age and older. The computer is used to identify refugees, by fingerprinting people who came with visas and determining which country is responsible for processing the case. Anyone can obtain their information from this computer unit upon written request.

S.I.S , Schengen Information System

The computer is located in Strasbourg, France and Sankt Johann, Austria, and is for national security.
The information on this computer includes:
Criminal persons, court information, police reports on persons, stolen weapons, stolen motor vehicles, stolen and lost bank documents, white documents stolen from offices, bank reports and complaints from persons and banking violations, lost passports (in progress) Currently, the European Union does not have a central computer for issued passports, and each country has its own information and is not connected. In 2005, they wanted to create a central computer for European passport holders, but the European Parliament voted against it.

4-S.I.S II Computer
This computer, which is more advanced and is connected to EUROPOL, EUROJUST, stores more diverse items.

This post is written by farzadRa