First name and last name of the first continuous exam of the second round of Arabic of Yadgar Imam Deh Mehmenoristan

Name and name of the first continuous test of the Arabic language is Imam. Time for a minute

A. Matters are by experience; deeds are by experience
B. The number of fish species is more than twenty-five thousand species.
C. This is a hand that fire will never touch
D. Indeed, Allah is beautiful and loves beauty.

2_ Translate these languages?
1_Ready.….2_ Accompanying.3_ Shaking hands.4_ Conquests.5_ Meters.6_ Listening.7_ Dreams.8_ Obedience.

9_space10_hall11_airport.12_kun_3_in a small sentence. Noun Ha is a verb, past, present, imperative, personal, be?2 The winner is the Beloved of God, and God loves the doers of good.
Please write your homework. The boy wrote his lessons. 4_Synonyms of the word “Hai Zira Banwis”?
Speech « » Power « » _ ۵_Weight of the words of Zir Ra bin Nuwaysid? 2 Extract number (). Patient().
Seventy-six 76.//////// 67 sixteen.19////////.16,,,,,, 8_Translation of the verb هی زیر آبینیسید?2 Past tense. Present. The infinitive of withdraw is to withdraw. Withdrawal.

۹_پنچر هشناخت is the name of RA. Give an example of the name of the Prophet?

10_Is there a letter added to the Arabic language that is used?
Past. Present. Intentional source. He is baptized. Intentional 12_ The antonym of the word “bad” in the sentence is “bad.” What is the word “bad”?
You must have good handwriting. Because it is one of the keys to sustenance. 13_ Singular words of “Zir Ra Banu Sayed?”