#From_Kobe_Japan_to_San Francisco
Dedicated to Dr. Mohammad Reza Islami
Hamed Musapour
#Second part
Dr. Islami is a #scientific_legionaire in the real sense. Someone who just a few weeks ago, when he comes to Iran, immediately participates in the Shiraz Engineering Society to share his experience with Iranian engineers. He is a scientific legionnaire who endures the suffering of immigration, copes with hardship far from his homeland and family to improve his knowledge but does not forget his #roots. Because in this recent trip, he is meeting full-time political, economic and academic figures and exchanging information and opinions so that he can transfer his experiences from #Japan and #America to his country. He is engaged in research in the field of fire engineering at #Berkeley University (the fifth best economic university in the world), teaches at #California Polytechnic University, and is engaged in consulting, calculations and design at Structural Consulting Engineers located in #San Francisco.
I had a written conversation with him several times through social media messages and I knew that I was dealing with a knowledgeable, literate and cultured person.
But what made me write this article was a 2 minute and 40 second clip that shows him in a private gathering, in the presence of professor #Sohail_Mahmavi and some other friends during this recent trip. Of the whole clip, only a few seconds of Dr. Islami’s camera show, but those few seconds changed my world.
The desired clip link
I mentioned the descriptions of the writings and of course his academic degree in order to say, how can a person with this high academic resume #humbly and politely sit in front of Professor Sohail Mahmavi with his hands on his chest and enjoy the words and knowledge of a man that we We haven’t seen his image on TV for a long time. Valuable people like Professor Sohail Mahmoudi, #Saed_Bagheri, #Farshid_Alaa and the void of their knowledge and science is strongly felt in the TV program.
After watching this short clip of 2 minutes and 40 seconds, my devotion and respect for him increased many times. Although Dr. Eslami lives in America, he studies and teaches in the best universities in the world and works in the best company in the world (in his field of work); But he does not forget that he is Iranian. He is like Dr. #Mohammed_Fazeli @moh_fazeli #دغدغه_يران https://t.me/fazeli_mohammad
and tries as much as he can to be a unique #scientific_legionaire.
Today, there is no point of balance
Fairness has not remained in the territory
A hundred treatises of wisdom are nothing in our eyes
There is no better work by Plato
You can talk about Zolf Yar for a lifetime
Don’t be trapped because there is no meaning left
Look at the cup you have folded
Not a single brick of the mansion has been turned
This post is written by monese_ghamgosar