Readable and impressive text of German Chancellor Angela Merkel with her countrymen about Corona
Translation: Omid Rezaei
This is Germany’s biggest challenge, not since the reunification of Germany, but since World War II. Since then, nothing has affected our lives together to this extent. We will overcome this crisis only when all citizens consider it their duty; It is a serious matter and you should take it seriously. Until there is a cure or a vaccine, there is only one thing that can be done: to slow down the outbreak and drag it out for several months so that we can buy time for drugs and vaccines to be discovered and for our hospitals to be ready.
Even our health system, which is one of the best in the world, will suffer if too many patients rush into it with serious conditions. Those whose condition worsens are not numbers, they are fathers or grandfathers, mothers and grandmothers, wives and human beings. We are a society that values the life of every human being.
To all who work in hospitals and the health system:
What you are doing is great. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. And now a vital issue: to stop social life as much as possible. The government will continue its work, but we must reduce everything that threatens people and society. The current restrictions are unprecedented in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany. For someone like me, for whom freedom of travel is a right that I fought hard for, such restrictions are only justified in absolutely emergency situations, but for now, these restrictions are necessary to save human lives.
I guarantee: the government will do everything to reduce the economic impact of the crisis and preserve job opportunities. Necessary items will always be available. Empty store shelves fill up quickly. Caution in buying is good, hoarding is meaningless and completely anti-correlation. I thank the supermarket staff. They go to work so that the wheel of this country turns in the strict sense of the word.
But the government’s actions are thwarted if the main tool against the spread of the disease is not used: it is ourselves. Do not panic, but never think that you are useless. No one can be left out. The epidemic shows how vulnerable and how interdependent we are. Everyone has a role to play in controlling this situation. We are not cursed to passively watch the rapid spread of the virus. We have a tool against it: we must be considerate and distance ourselves from each other. I know it’s hard. I know that in difficult times we want to be close to each other, to be close physically. But at this moment, the opposite is true.
Leave no one alone. As a family and as a society, we have to find another way (other than physical proximity) to be together, creative ways to overcome the virus. We have to find ways to show our friendship. Start writing a letter again. A post that works.
I urge everyone: follow the rules that have been put in place only for a short time. The government examines what needs to be corrected and what other action is necessary. This situation is dynamic and we have to learn and react with new tools. Do not believe the rumours. We are facing a historic task that we can only overcome together.
I am sure we will pass the crisis. But how many of our loved ones will we lose? A lot of it depends on us. We can decide to cooperate and accept the current limitations. It depends on each of us. Even though this experience is unprecedented, we should act according to our heart and mind.
Take care of yourself.
This post is written by Vbarri