Ground movement of the bus from Iran to Türkiye

Ground movement of the bus from Iran to Türkiye
The first move is Thursday, October 1st
It is open to the public
From Tehran to Ankara
From Tehran to Antalya
From Tehran to Denizli
From Tehran to Sparta
From Tehran to Kayseri
From Tehran to Alanya
PCR test is mandatory

Obtaining Chalishma Izni (work permit)
With the benefits of full medical and retirement insurance coverage and
Obtain Turkish citizenship

Preparation and sale of plane bus tickets
A cheap charter system
All domestic and foreign lines of Iran and Türkiye
Buying and selling bus tickets
From Türkiye to Iran and vice versa

Book tour, hotel, accommodation, visa, travel insurance

Issuing all kinds of insurance policies in Türkiye
Health insurance and treatment and.

Sending currency remittances from Iran
to Türkiye and vice versa
Contact through WhatsApp Telegram IMO
Instagram refahgashtiran
Online shopping site
Choose the convenience of shopping with Iran’s Refah Gosht application
No. 4, Unit 16, Adile Nashit Blvd., in front of the Municipality, Istanbul

This post is written by Refahgashtiran2014