Habits of successful managers

Habits of successful managers

Success and wealth do not come by chance. People who have become successful and wealthy have developed habits that have made them productive and effective. In order to be able to imitate these people consciously, it is necessary for us to focus on these habits and replace them with bad habits and to remember that the biggest and most expensive teacher to correct any human being is his mistakes; a manager who cannot accept his mistakes, from This teacher is suspended and will never be corrected.

be early risers
Research shows that 44% of the world’s wealthiest executives wake up three hours before their work hours start. This very simple action adds at least one useful hour to the day of these people. Imagine how productive you can be early in the morning without anyone bothering you. Great managers use this golden opportunity to target and discover new opportunities.

Let’s network
According to the results of the research, 79% of successful managers spend at least 5 hours in a month on networking – going to various conferences, meeting new clients, chatting with managers of other companies – while this statistic is only 16 among ordinary managers. is a percentage Being around people with common concerns and ideals makes them learn a lot from them. If the people we associate with are successful and positive people, the results of this association will have a great impact on our work output.

Don’t jump from branch to branch
When successful people make their decision, they commit to their decision until the end of the road to success and don’t let anything distract them.

to study
Research shows that 86% of wealthy executives love to read. When you read, try to learn something from what you read, however small. Studying is an important tool for personal development. We should definitely try to commit ourselves to reading so that if we don’t read a few pages of a book, magazine or newspaper for a day, we feel like we didn’t do something important and that we missed something that day.

Do not watch too much TV
67% of wealthy executives watch an hour or less of TV during the day. In the case of series, the statistics are more interesting. Only 6% of successful managers follow TV series. These people prefer to devote their time to more important activities.

Consider time as a precious commodity
Successful managers consider time as a non-renewable resource. They are not willing to spend hours on social media and waste this precious resource. Fortunately, with extensive advertising, most people have become sensitive to saving water and electricity. I wish we would think a little about saving time, this non-renewable resource!

Strengthen your emotional intelligence
Warren Buffett, who is one of the most successful and richest managers in the world, believes that emotional intelligence is 85 to 90 percent effective on success, and IQ and expertise are far behind. IQ is a skill you need to be successful, but it doesn’t necessarily make you a star. While emotional intelligence has the ability to make you a star.

Take care of your health
Successful managers know the importance of healthy eating and exercise in success. Research shows that 76% of successful managers do aerobic exercises at least 4 days a week. 70% of these managers consume less than 300 calories of fast food per day. There is an undeniable connection between nutrition, exercise and success.

This post is written by bs362