Hasti: What is an account balance?

What is an account balance?

The literal meaning of “account settlement”

Mufasa basically means to settle and in fact it can be said that it means a document that is given to a taxpayer after dealing with his personal account or tax to settle his account.

Insurance account balance

Settlement of accounts is done for transfer, definitive mortgage, property lease, and the transferor is obliged to receive the balance of the organization’s account and pay it to the transferee.

Article (38): At the time of concluding any interruption contract, the assignor is obliged to receive the account balance and present it to the assignor at the end of the contract. Upon receipt of the account balance, the assignor will refund 5% of the performance amount and the last installment of the interruption fee. The work of settlement of accounts for real estate is definitive in the issuance of mortgage and lease documents, and for termination contracts, it is at the termination of the contract.

Settlement of accounts in contracting companies

I will explain to you the steps of getting account balances in contractor companies, I hope it will be useful for you

First, for the contractor, get a letter from the employer as a letter of termination of work, in which things such as the beginning and end of the contract period – the specific amount of the contract – the percentage of mechanical and manual work – and which items are the responsibility of the contractor and which items are the responsibility of the employer does

This letter was addressed to the social security by the employer and requests the cancellation of the contract with you

In the second step, you take the employer’s letter to the Social Security Income Unit and the person in charge of your contract file calculates 6.7% for the mechanical percentage of your work and 7.16% for your manual percentage and 9.1% according to the information in the employer’s termination letter. It will calculate the unemployment insurance premium for you, and the sum of these three items will be your account balance, which will deduct whatever you have paid for the monthly contract insurance from the calculated amount, and when you pay the rest of the amount, you can take the account balance.

It is important to note, friends, the higher the percentage of mechanical work for you, the better for you, because it is calculated as 6.7%.

There are cases that if you take into account, your insurance will be calculated at 6.7%. I myself have paid more than four contracts with the same method of 7% and in addition 1.9% of the 7% amount, if my friends want it for them. I send privately.

#Recoupment account

This post is written by sfhjhygfrhesabhaseb