Friends, the thing about Recom is that there are usually three modes, a series of universities accept Recom only with an email issued by the university and on the letterhead of the university.
But for many universities, it is enough to have an official email issued with an official letterhead, now this official email doesn’t have to be a university email and it can be from any institution that has a specific website and the party can check this website and To get information about the position of the person who gave the letter, now it can be a private school or a private company, the only important thing in this case is that the email must be official. (This case is more suitable for those who want to They change majors in the next level of study or have a lot of academic chat.)
In the third case, there are a series of universities that accept resumes even if they are sent by personal email.
And let me add one more thing, for a series of universities, it is not necessary for the RECOM to be issued by someone who has a teacher-pupil relationship with the student, but the RECOM can be based on the history of a common experience, cooperation in a group project.
Or cooperation in any other form.
Let me also say this, I am telling this information as a personal experience of someone who has issued dozens of resumes to my students, either by academic email or by the official email of institutions.
Of course, it cannot be said for sure about all universities and all countries, but there are many places that accept all three.
This post is written by AliMiresmaeili