An example of committed behavior and professional prejudice of the officials of the engineering system of other provinces and the non-indifference of their members, which can be seen in the output of their website.
It has several points.
First, regardless of the amount of money, the speed of action in using the legal capacities at the disposal of the boards of directors is significant
The second is the additional amount of civil engineers compared to architects. An issue which, according to Mr. Shakib’s own admission, was not like this only in Tehran from the beginning, and due to the indifference of Tehran’s civil engineers, his rights have been undermined.
Third, pay attention to the significant numbers of Qazvin or East Azerbaijan provinces and its difference with other provinces or Tehran. There will be minimums.
From other examples, in Alborz province, the basis of the contract period for renewal is considered from the time of submission of the commitment sheet and not the time of issuing the construction permit, which in Tehran takes six months to one year. Or after three months from this time, the entire fee will be settled, even if the building permit has not been issued. Or in case of non-payment of the renewal fee, the building will be delivered to the municipality without an outside supervisor and the building will be easily repaired and the work defined within a week.
These cases and dozens of other cases show the fact that in addition to the correspondence of the members, the officials of the organization of these provinces are really members who have touched professional issues and concerns with their flesh and skin and are not beholden to individuals or groups.