How Iranians travel abroad
A- Traffic inside the country
1. All Iranian subjects living abroad who have lived abroad for at least three years can travel to the country twice a year for a total of three months. Is.)
2. Subjects residing abroad must go to the representative of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the country of residence and after meeting the conditions, their passports must be stamped with a traffic stamp with the title “Transit Permit for Iranian Subjects Residing Abroad”. It is also necessary to refer to the number and date of notification of the General Headquarters of the Armed Forces in the text of the travel permit.
3. Subjects who have left the country in order to continue their education in the implementation of the relevant regulations and have educational exemptions abroad, are not included in this resolution and will use student transportation facilities as the case may be.
4. The children of permanent government officials abroad who have permission to leave the public duty organization in order to accompany their parents are not included in this resolution, but they can travel during the duration of their parents’ mission according to the issued permission.
5. The persons subject to clauses (3) and (4) will be treated according to this resolution, provided they have lived abroad for at least three years.
6. The deadline for the implementation of this resolution is until the end of 1400.
B- Staying abroad
The subjects of paragraph (a) who have residence abroad with the following conditions are included in the traffic regulations:
1- Having at least three years of continuous communication abroad at the time of applying for a traffic permit.
2- Staying abroad should not be less than 9 consecutive or discontinuous months in each year.
3- If the three years of residence abroad are included in a multi-year period, the continuity between the years of residence must be maintained with at least three months of residence per year. be.)
Example: If a subject resided abroad for eleven months in 1987, three months in 1988, nine months in 1989, four months in 1990, and nine months in 1991, because his stays in 1987, 1989, and 1991 Each one was at least nine months and the continuity of his years of residence was also maintained in this period, i.e. from 1987 to 1991 with at least three months of residence. Therefore, it will be included in traffic regulations.
4- If a subject has resided abroad for three or more years in the past few years, but its continuity has not been maintained until the time of applying for a travel permit, i.e. there has been a gap of more than 9 months between the previous stays until the time of applying for a travel permit. His past cannot be calculated.
5- Residence at the eligibility age or before eligibility age is not a condition.
6- Subjects whose traffic within the country is more than twice a year or more than three months will be excluded from the scope of the approval.
Note: For people who have special conditions, their situation has been examined and dealt with by a commission made up of representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the presidential passport and the public duty organization NAJA, and if the commission approves, they can travel up to one more time, depending on the case, or It can be extended up to three months.
This post is written by LawyerEconomist