How to protest against a tax ruling

How to protest against a tax ruling
According to Article 251 of the Direct Taxes Law, both the taxpayer and the Tax Administration can, within one month after the date of notification of the final decision of the Tax Dispute Resolution Board, file a complaint with the Supreme Tax Council based on non-compliance with the laws and regulations.
Now, if this one-month deadline has passed and Modi or He has not protested or after this one month documents are obtained that can change the result of the vote in his favor, what should be done now?
In response, we repeatedly refer to Article 251,
This article has been decided on direct and indirect taxes, which cannot be raised in another authority, which means that you have gone through all the steps according to the law, and you also claim the unfairness of the decided tax based on sufficient evidence and reasons.
The solution is to submit the request through a letter to the Minister of Economy and Finance regarding the complaint and request for reconsideration. The Minister of Economy and Finance, with his authority, refers the case to a committee of 3 people of his choice for consideration.
In order to submit a request and protest against a final tax ruling, it is better to fill out the special form embedded in this regard and submit the relevant documents to the secretary of the house.
After submitting the form, the documents will be checked and if there are any defects, they will be notified to Modi within 2 weeks. If the relevant form is not completed and submitted correctly, or if the documents are not sufficient, the secretariat will consider the matter as no action and close it.
In any case, the presented documents are considered and the board’s decision is final and binding by the majority of votes, and there is no place for any objection or other review.
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This post is written by adibarahassan