How to wake up your child early in the morning

How to #wake up your child early in the morning.

Solutions to make it easier for children to wake up
One of the serious and common problems faced by families during the school year is waking up their children early to attend school.
Usually, students like to sleep more for different reasons, and for this reason, it is very difficult to wake them up, and this difficult awakening causes tension and mental pressure in the family.
People who wake up earlier and easier in the morning are often happier and healthier and are in a better condition in terms of life satisfaction, fitness and fight against pathogens.
Nutritionists believe that when the sun sets and the weather gets dark, the hormones melatonin and somatotropin, which are responsible for the repair, growth and regeneration of the body, are secreted in the body, and by sleeping late, children miss this opportunity for the development of thinking. they shake hands

Different strategies can be used to wake up children on time:

Children’s responsibility
Over time, try to hand over the responsibility of getting up in the morning to the child by giving him a beautiful alarm clock, because by doing this, you will not only avoid morning tensions between the child and the parents, but the child will learn to take responsibility for himself. and wake up with his own alarm clock.
It is important to remember this point, so long as you are responsible for waking up the child in the morning, the child does not want to wake up early.

Psychologists are of the opinion that the child’s bedtime should be moved forward and children should be sent to bed early and at a certain time.
 It is important to state that the child sleeping with the loud sound of the television and the laughter of the parents makes it difficult for the child to sleep and causes the child to not want to sleep, if the sleeping time of the family members is coordinated, the child will sleep more easily and He wakes up in the morning more refreshed.

Daily dreams
If your child has a habit of sleeping in the afternoon, guide him in the direction that he will gradually leave because the result of sleeping in the afternoon is late sleeping at night and difficult to wake up in the morning.

Careful feeding
In the matter of waking up in the morning, you should pay attention to the night feeding, in such a way that you avoid eating fatty and heavy foods in large quantities, because heavy foods cause sleepiness.
 Also, a lot of water and sweets and cold foods are effective in waking up.
 You can replace it with simple foods such as soup and soup or small-volume foods.
 Since the body takes some time to digest food after eating, adjust the child’s dinner time so that nothing is eaten about two hours before bedtime.

In the gatherings of family and friends, tell about your child’s early morning and easy waking up and encourage him in the group. This encouragement in the group will encourage the child to wake up easier every day.

The equipment is ready
Always try to prepare the school bag the night before, having school supplies and clothes ready reduces the child’s mental conflict in the morning, so the child gets up more easily.

How to wake up a child from sleep:

1- Stand next to the child’s bed and call him closely because your loud voice from a distance is a nervous shock for the child.

2- To wake up from affectionate and emotional words such as my son, my daughter, my dear and . Use, command words only make the child stubborn.

3- Do not rush to wake up your child and give him a few minutes

This post is written by Sara_b_h