Humic acid HUMI ​​CHARGE Stoller

Humic acid HUMI ​​CHARGE Stoller

The excessive use of chemical fertilizers has led to the creation of several problems such as the destruction of the soil structure and the imbalance of its nutrients, hence the use of organic fertilizers is increasing, which can improve the properties of the soil and its fertility. Humic acid is one of the fertilizers without harmful effects on the environment, which is called as nature-friendly organic fertilizer. Very small amounts of organic acids have beneficial effects in increasing production and improving the quality of agricultural products due to the presence of hormonal compounds.

The benefits of using Stoller’s humic acid:

1. Adding organic matter to soils with a lack of organic matter
2. Increasing the rooting power of plants and trees
3. Help to improve nutrient absorption by plants
4. Increasing the production of chlorophyll and green seeds in tree leaves
5. Improvement of seed germination
6. Stimulation of beneficial microbial activity in the soil
7. Improving and increasing the maintenance of soil fertility in gardens and fields
8. Maintaining and increasing plant health and increasing crop production efficiency
9. The use of humic acid in irrigation plays an effective role in controlling some root diseases.
10. Being organic and therefore healthy and safe for the environment, animals, plants and humans
11. Stimulator of plant enzymes
12. Increasing antioxidant activities
13. It is a good source of phosphate and carbon and stimulates the microflora population. This issue leads to healthier soil with balanced flora in healthy plants.
14. It helps to reduce the toxicity of substances such as heavy metals, hydrocarbons and pesticides and reduces toxic sodium.
15. By increasing the cohesion of fine soil particles, it reduces soil erosion

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This post is written by www_AgriDelta_ir