I wish you were jealous of these words

I wish you were jealous of these words.
The father said this sentence
When I became jealous for my sister for the first and last time.
The sister was dating one of her son’s friends and I said that you are not allowed to go
I don’t know why I didn’t allow it
I just wanted to say that I am a man and I am jealous.
That day, my father argued with me in a strange way and said that there is no such thing as jealousy
Jealousy is for other things.
Grandmother used to say: Never be jealous of your mother and sister’s swearing
I was not upset when anyone called me mother’s sister.
My classmate said: Dust on your head
I said that my father said that there is no jealousy for these words
He said, so dust on your father’s head
I was very upset and beat a classmate.
I went home and told my father that my classmate cursed you
The father said that it is not a good thing to be lazy.
In the same years, in schools, they told us about martyrs and warriors and their zeal and prejudice
They said they fought to defend their homeland and honor.
Every time I got a low grade
My mother used to say that I am jealous
He said that father and I are working hard for you
Aren’t you jealous to get such a grade?
Years passed and I got involved in relationships
I liked our movie very much
But I never understood Hamon in that scene where he said: This woman is my right, my share.
I was saying to myself, by what right does he say that that woman is my right or my share
Is it the apple that is his share?
I never communicated with Zelf Bar Bad Hafez
What is Hafez’s right to say to a woman that she is a woman? By what right does he assign duties to women? Does Hafez not know that jealousy is not for these things?
I thought that no one is anyone’s share
No one belongs to anyone.
One day, I saw that the leaves in my pot were dry and yellow
A friend said to me: Don’t you have zeal to take care of your vase and things?
I was very surprised by his words
I said, what does zeal have to do with tools and vases?
He said: You buy things with great enthusiasm
But when you use it and it hits your heart, you throw it in a corner
You are so careless that the device breaks down
This means lack of zeal.
I love hats
I always wore a black velvet hat
One day I bought a new hat
Long black hat (it’s my head in most of my photos)
I fell in love with that hat
When I fall in love with my things, I sleep with them at night.
That hat was no exception to this rule and slept next to me every night
I used to go wherever I was invited
Even in the sweltering heat of Malaysia, I was constantly scratching my head.
One day I wanted to wear a velvet hat
No matter how hard I looked, I could not find the hat
After hours, I found him under the bed
Soiled and moldy.
At that moment, I felt like the most unenthusiastic being on earth
At that moment, I fully understood the jealousy.
Jealousy means to take care of your hat
It means to take care of him in the safest possible place
It means that you visit him every day
It means that you always know how he is doing
It means that he feels safe next to you
It means to feel respect
It means to be happy
It means that there is only one hat and the other hat does not rot under the bed.
Zeal means to put your vase in front of the window that has the most light
It means that you give him water every day
It means to be happy with its growth and beauty
It means to be with Safa next to you
It means to be green next to you.

Kiyomarth Marzban

This post is written by Sara_b_h