Important point about 10th, 11th and 12th grades

Important point about 10th, 11th and 12th grades

Only the June exam is used as a criterion for creating the “academic record” of students.

The effort of the students should be to succeed in the June exam and get the required grade, but at the same time, they should not worry because if the students of the 10th and 11th grades get sick or cannot participate in the exam for any reason, they will have the opportunity to “rehabilitate their score”. It exists and they can try their lesson again in the form of revision in June of the following years

The head of the Center for Evaluation and Quality Assurance of the Education System continued: But the twelfth grade students should note that the grade they produce in each subject in the month of June will be the criterion for creating their “academic record”, so even if their “absence” is justified. They miss the opportunity and get a grade of “zero” from that lesson, and when this zero turns into a balance, their balance becomes negative and the student loses.

General courses only produce records in the final exam, so students should pay attention to general courses to create more records.
