In the name of Allah
Hussain on our side.
Saeed Moazi
From the day when the Imam was martyred, they took that noble person into captivity. Instead of reflecting the method, vision and thoughts of that Imam, they cast a veil over it, which means that instead of setting an example and forming the Husseini community, they cried, rushed to visit him and took revenge. When it was over, Imam Sajjad said, “Oh, they killed my father in Karbala. They sat down and cried. Otherwise, the fourth Imam did not go to these methods. Yes, while they were still alive, they adopted crying as a fighting tactic, but they did not forget the principle of the work. The society of Hussein’s era, only Muslims. It was a living and dynamic society. When it comes to the religiosity of Hussein’s era, it was only the performance of religious rituals. Anti-tyranny and religiosity in the true sense of the word were not among them, he had to live like others, so what was the difference with others, that is, sitting with falsehood, but he took the Bedouin path, because Hossein’s society is not static and stagnant, it is dynamic and always in motion, the name of Hossein throughout history, but they did not step in the way of Hussain. Hussain worked with two groups, the first was the rulers, the second was the scholars, both of whom were accused by the Imam. Mu’awiya did not keep his promise and cheated, he wrote a letter to the chiefs of the tribes to explain the situation, the Imam’s payment is directed at the chiefs who are always with the sovereign, and somehow they get a favor.
Second, religious scholars and claimants of religiosity who are the owners of the Masnad of piety and religiosity and claim to be Shia Ali. This letter of the Prophet in Tohf al-Aqool, this branch of Harani, is a valid book among Shiites. It warns them that the movement of religiosity in society and the direction of public opinion towards You are pious. Ignoring the sufferings of the times is a plague of religiosity, which tomorrow you will have to answer before God. It defines the duty. They perform religious rites, they are satisfied, and the scholars and claimants also sat in the shadow of the rulers.
Hussain’s martyrdom was sunny, it shone and disgraced everyone, they all knew that they were on the wrong path, someone is the winner, they took the Bedouin path, they both lost their lives, Danyal was blamed, Imam Sajjad said, “I am surprised, they killed my father, now they are sitting and crying. This is why Imam left Madinah.” He went and settled in a village near Madinah. A more interesting point is that Abdullah Ibn Jafar held a mourning assembly in Madinah and invited his wife Zainab to participate in the mourning assembly of Hossein. And there should be no injustice, lies and trickery, scholars should be present among the people, and the claimants should not be indifferent to the behavior of the rulers
Continued with thanks Saeed Moazi
This post is written by andishe_n1