In the past year, the establishment of the Sajam system provided a platform and an opportunity to propose and request the implementation of a plan to the organization with the support of a group of friends, according to which the process of referring work to design and supervising engineers requires paying the fees of engineers and offices. (separately) and provide its deposit slips
This plan, which was presented with the seal and signature of thousands of engineers of the respected organization, was supported by the honorable chairman from the beginning, and a resolution was issued in this regard in one of the meetings of the board of directors. Although the text of the resolution and its words and literature caused a lot of confusion in the mind!!
But despite the passage of about 3 months, no action was taken and no initial executive step was taken, although it was heard in many circles that there is a lot of talk about this!!!
Of course, the circle of opponents of this idea is very influential and powerful despite being small in number. While these people are giving charity and charity to this project and emphasizing the need to clarify and enforce the rights of engineers, but lies are pouring out of their facial muscles and you don’t need to be a very professional detective to recognize their lies. We have already talked about this more than necessary, but it is clear that these are and will be obstacles to the implementation of this plan!!!
The support of a significant group of pure, old and real managers of engineering offices left no room for the excuse that the implementation of this plan will cause losses to the business environment of the offices.
Misuse of the produced substrates caused by the implementation of the guidelines of note 2. It caused a large group of people without professional identity (known as brokers) to step into this field. The implementation of the above plan, in addition to the rights of engineers, will eliminate these people and direct all cases to real engineering offices with identity.
With the consensus made, there is currently no practical solution to end the market of brokering the right to sign and break the price. This plan does not prevent it 100%, but its efficiency is definitely higher than any other method
If the job referral plan comes back one day, it will definitely have new mechanisms for itself. The implementation of this plan has nothing to do with the referral of work, especially since the design and calculations department is not included in the referral of work, and in this department, the rights of engineers are greatly abused.
The efforts and follow-ups of the #organization_president in this regard deserve #appreciation.
It is still hoped that this process will be operational at the beginning of next year. (Of course, for now nothing can be said or written except an invitation to hope)
The attached image is the receipt sheet and the registration number of the petition of 1000 engineers in the secretariat of the organization. Save this image as a souvenir
This post is written by ashabibi1355