In this way, you can get the highest quality fertilizer in the shortest time while preserving nutrients in the best way

In this way, you can get the highest quality fertilizer in the shortest time while preserving nutrients in the best way

Product plocher compost & mist kf 2 me
Pelukhar fertilizer and compost regenerating product

Product of Germany

Suitable for processing and speeding up the decomposition process of animal manure without losing useful micronutrients

You don’t need to store animal excrement for a long time in the open air and under the sun until it rots and is ready to be consumed. Keeping fertilizer under the sun for a long time causes the loss of many of its elements

Accelerate the decay process by preserving beneficial micronutrients
Noticeable reduction in the amount of smell and banana insects in the environment
Reducing the formation of bacterial colonies, fungi and pathogenic microbes in manure
Fixation of ammonia to beneficial elements and micronutrients and proteins
Preserving minerals and micronutrients and turning them into absorbable and accessible elements for the plant
Activating microorganisms and making humus
Better hygiene through aerobic decomposition
Good decomposition (aerobic) = protection against contaminants

Completely organic

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This post is written by plocher6