Intellectual property training course and its examples

Intellectual property training course and its examples

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One of the infrastructures that can guarantee the economic and technological success of researchers and knowledge-based companies in the knowledge-oriented era is paying attention to “intellectual property rights”. By using the legal system of intellectual property, researchers and companies will be able to provide an efficient legal umbrella for the process of idea creation to technology export and commercialization. Considering that most of the assets of researchers and knowledge-based companies are intellectual assets, therefore, “management and legal protection of intellectual assets” will be inevitable. On the other hand, in order to enter the global economy, one must get acquainted with the literature of the business world, one of the key topics of which is “Intellectual Property Law”. Not knowing the issues of intellectual property rights will be a serious threat for researchers and knowledge-based companies and technological people.

Course introduction
Lecturer: Alireza Salmani (international inventor and founder of the Patent Committee of Tehran AP University)

By presenting Noble Certif, a valid certificate in English

Click to access the course

This post is written by M_AminZare