Introducing some drugs and their uses
1. AD3E
Sperm enhancement
2. Advocin
Respiratory and gastrointestinal tract infections
3. Antiasthma
Treatment of asthma respiratory tract infection
4. Antibiotico
Cold, sneezing, green diarrhea
5. Anticipus
Treatment of intestinal edema during mating
6. Antistress
Fainting and stroke birds, time to separate the chicks
7. Antolin
Cleft foot treatment
8. Avisanol
Irregular and untimely discharge
9. B – Complex
Strengthening the body’s defense system, appetizing
10. Bactocid
Treatment of respiratory and digestive tract infections
11. Badesalz
Canary anti-aging
12. Baytrill
General antibiotics
13. Bioserin
For the general treatment of severely ill birds
14. Bioserin Aqua
Anti-intestinal inflammation
15. Calcicolinap
Prevent egg twisting, obesity
16. Calcio
Preventing the egg from floundering
17. Canto
make the male drunk
18. Charcoal
To mix with eggs to prevent diarrhea
19. Cria
To prevent the death of chickens, to strengthen the growth of chickens
20. Digosid
Treatment of diarrhea and respiratory complications
21. Doxycycline
Gastrointestinal and pulmonary diseases
22. Egg stop
To cut the eggs in the female bird
23. Ferti Vit
Preparation – elimination of fertility disorders – protection of the heart and muscle tissue
24. Flaxid
Treatment of gastrointestinal infection
25. Fungicide
Treatment of fungal infections
26. Gentamaicina
Yellow diarrhea, salmonella, weaning time
27. Hexen
Disinfection of the mouth and feet, rinsing
28. Insectornis
Canary anti-lice
29. Insensitive Red
Supplement to make canary feathers red
30. Lancocid
Treatment of intestinal edema outside mating time
31. Liverton
Treatment of liver edema and help in the treatment of antibiotics
32. Mazoten
Treatment of lice and external parasites
33. Med Quikon
Treatment of parasitic, digestive and indigestion diseases
34. Minoplus
Gravel and minerals for use throughout the year
35. Molto Force
To quickly remove the bird
36. Muda
Prevent bird spotting
37. Muta Vit
Reducing the period of Tulki – protecting the liver and strengthening wings and feathers
38. Nekton Bcomplex
Strengthening the body’s defense system, appetizing
39. Nekton Bio
To fill, to accelerate the molting, to increase the growth of feathers
40. Nekton E
Sperm enhancement
41. Nekton MSA
Preventing paralysis and strengthening the bones of chickens and absorbing more calcium and phosphorus
42. Nekton
Contains vitamins, amino acids and selenium
43. Nemacia
Treatment of intestinal parasites
44. Neovet
Treatment of digestive tract and prevention of chicken mortality
This post is written by Hamiddddiran