Khorasan newspaper 12/18/2017

Khorasan newspaper 12/18/2017

The Minister of Roads did not open Golbahar’s defective Mehr residence

After digging the 40-kilometer Mashhad-Golbahar tunnel, Minister of Roads and Urban Development Chenaran first opened the Golbahar Mobile Park and then went to one of the Mehr housing complexes for the opening of the 11-unit Mehr high school and girls’ high school project. The abundance that the minister saw in Mehr housing made him desist from opening Mehr Golbahar housing. According to “Khorasan Razavi”, when the Golbahar mobile park was opened in the presence of the minister, he went inside the park to plant saplings. Pine saplings were brought for planting, but the minister criticized the CEO of Golbahar New Development Company, saying why he planted pine trees. ?Pine destroys the soil. The minister planted another tree instead of the pine and when they had prepared the soil for the foot of the tree, he said: What kind of soil have you prepared, it is mostly waste. People paid money for these houses, why don’t you pay attention to the fact that the Minister attended the opening of the Mehr housing project of 1,111 units. He paid attention to the bad cement work at the end of one of the columns and said: What kind of cement work is this? Do it right. When he arrived at the entrance of the complex and was asked to cut the red ribbon, he did not do so and first went inside one of the apartment units to visit. The minister looked at a hole above the wall and near the ceiling, next to which a plastic pipe was hanging from the ceiling. Addressing the CEO of Imran Golbahar Company and Hemti, the project contractor, he said: Why did you install the pipe like this? Why didn’t you put the pipe inside the wall, why is the chimney so high? What is this hanging plastic pipe for? The relevant contractor answered that it is for the water heater and its ventilator. The minister nodded, his eyes fell on another plastic pipe above the reception window, he asked what this pipe was for? The contractor replied: We put it like this for the ventilator. The minister smiled and grabbed the handle of the window to open and close it but he tried several times and failed to close the window. In response to the flaws and defects of this project, he said: God bless you, what is the situation, people paid money for these houses, why don’t you pay attention? Hemti, your family is Hemti, why don’t you do it? Eslami said to the managing director of the new Golbahar city construction company: “Don’t give the Mehr housing projects to the cooperatives, these projects must be worked on in a cooperative manner. Everyone expected the minister to cut the ribbon, but he bypassed the ribbon and Actually, he did not open this project

This post is written by monese_ghamgosar