Merciful and Merciful

In the name of God, the Merciful, the Merciful

Statement of the Union of Professors of Sharif University of Technology

Dear colleagues, professors, students, dear compatriots,

With greetings to the pure souls of the martyrs and greetings to all professors, teachers, students and fellow countrymen, we share the following with you regarding the unfortunate situation of universities. |

In today’s world, science and technology has become the most important tool for all-round development of countries, both in the economic and defense fields. Developed countries have been on this path for several centuries and developing countries for several decades. These countries have become poles for attracting talents from other countries, including our country, due to the extensive support of their scientific centers. Every year, thousands of graduates and professionals who have been educated at high cost in our country are attracted to Western countries, especially North America and Europe, for free due to unfavorable economic conditions and lack of promising prospects. This phenomenon not only slows down the scientific and industrial development of the country, but also deprives the future generations of intelligent human resources, and now also causes the dispersion of thousands of family centers, which is a central element in our national and religious culture. has also been

Today, Iran’s universities and research centers are in the worst and poorest financial situation not only compared to advanced countries, but also compared to Middle Eastern and Central Asian countries. This unfortunate situation has reached the point where the migration of specialists, which was once directed towards Western countries, has now flowed towards these countries due to the support policies of the countries in the region. How is it possible that a country that has the lowest and most insignificant payment figures to its professors, scholars and teachers, even compared to neighboring poor countries, can become a leading country in the region in the field of science and technology? | We have repeatedly warned against this destructive trend, but the wrong policies in our country have not stopped or even been corrected, but have intensified. In continuation of the same process, from the first of February of this year, the obligations of the previous government in paying salaries to a large part of the academicians were violated, despite the decrees issued, and 30% of their salaries and benefits were reduced (under the pretext of lack of funding). . The academic community is shocked by this act against custom and law, because such an act was unprecedented in the history of the last 42 years and even during the war. This offensive action has taken place at a time when the inflation rate has reached about 44% and many hardworking classes of people, including workers, teachers and other hardworking people, are also in hardship.

In spite of the fact that in all the past years, professors and academics patiently tried to uplift the country and were patient with the lack of their rights in order to empathize with other working classes, now despite our inner desire, we have come to the conclusion that we should Let’s end our silence and express our protest against these offensive actions in order to preserve the integrity of the university and for the respect of our colleagues in all Iranian universities.

For this reason, we announce that we will not attend classes from the beginning of the next semester and until this wrong action is corrected. In conclusion, we wish patience, health and well-being to all the servants of science and the country.

Union of professors of Sharif University of Technology

This post is written by mo_h_3e_n