Test between semester courses 5 and 6 and 7 religious eleventh humanities
1-Which of the following are the responsibilities of the Prophet (pbuh)? Match separately with the answers given.1/75
a) Explain the verses of the Holy Quran
b) Reading the verses of the Holy Quran
c) Spreading Justice
d) Arrangement of the Holy Quran
b) The speech and behavior of the Prophet (pbuh)
g) Observing the unseen world
r) The mustache negation rule
Receiving and communicating revelation
Religious authority
Zahiri province
Spiritual province
2-What is the jurisprudence of accepting a pagan? What is a government that is not a tyrant? 1/25
a) Islam is based on .and is considered the most important foundation among them.
b) Basically, one of the purposes of sending the prophets was to build people and build their social relations and social life on the basis of building.
d) If a prophet is not infallible, the divine religion will not reach the people properly and the possibility of guidance will be deprived of the people.
4- Define the following terms.3
a) Tyrant
b) Infallibility
c) The mustache negation rule
5- Name the reasons for the necessity of forming an Islamic government. Two cases1
6- Explain the concept of Ayatollah al-Alam as a missionary.
7- Who were the Muhajirin and Ansar and what responsibility did they help the Prophet (pbuh) to fulfill? 1/5
8-Is it correct to assume that the Holy Quran and the Prophet (pbuh) are silent about religious authority and outward authority? Write the answer giving reasons.1
9- 9 Connect the related options:1
a) The verse of charity in bowing
b) The verse of the province of knowledge of the first
c) Hadith Jabir Quran and Ahl al-Bayt
d) The Hadith of the Weights of the Call of Bani Hashim
10-What was the reason for the introduction of the Prophet (pbuh) as a good example by God? 1/5
11-What does the Prophet (pbuh) consider the reason for the fall of the previous nations? 5/.
a) Lack of resistance and jihad
b) Not worshiping
c) Discrimination in the administration of justice
d) Creating divisions among Muslims
12- Verse: 1 point
Perhaps with your souls except one of the believers
What does it refer to and which of the dimensions of the leadership of the Prophet (pbuh) does it relate to?
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This post is written by miomo99