Morphology tips of the second part

Morphology tips of the second part

Any current that does not have an identifier (m.y.d.m.yd.nd) we give it a zero morpheme. We consider zero morphemes.

Come: 3 morphemes (B+A+)
Don’t write: 3 morphemes (n + write +)

Intermediate phonemes are not considered morphemes. Because they do not change the meaning, nor the grammatical type.
Domestic: 2 morphemes = house+e
Vegetables: 3 morphemes = green + y + et
Verbs of other languages ​​are not considered morphemes in Persian language. Except for (yyt) and (yyeh).
Population: 2 forms
Vehicle: 2 variants

At the end of some words, the presence of which has no effect on the meaning or grammatical type of the word is not considered a morpheme.
Pie: 1 morphology
White on: 2 variants

At the end of some words that end with the subjunctive, it is not considered a morpheme.
Washing: 3 forms
Warrior: 2 variants
Ganeh, Terin, Aneh, Vare. Each is just a morpheme.
That is, just as more polite has 2 morphemes, the most polite, masculine and festival also have 2 morphemes.

It is impossible or difficult for non-native speakers to recognize the components of some words. We should consider them as a morpheme. For example :
Device, winter, enemy: 1 morpheme

The Arabic tanith sign and generally e (equivalent to t) at the end of Arabic words are usually not considered morphemes.
Collection: 1 Morphology

But (e) is considered a morpheme in the following cases:
Color +E: Yolk
Parts of the human body +e: base
Number + e: week
Some Persian nouns + e: Nejadeh

Connected pronouns are only one morpheme, and we should not consider their fractions or fractions as a separate morpheme. Their book: 2 morphemes

Usually, exams and textbooks do not pass the verb stem, and words with stem are considered more than one morpheme.
For example ; Each of the words
Beautiful should and territory are considered 2 morphemes.

Words with two pronunciations have the same number of morphemes with each reading. Example:
Any way we pronounce the teacher, there are 2 morphemes.

Abbreviated words should be restored, then the morphemes should be counted (which usually happens in poetry).
Zo: from + o = 2 morphemes

The plural (at) is usually considered a morpheme when it is removed and what remains is active in the Persian language. Of course, sometimes in Farsi, it is unpronounceable.
Vocabulary: 1 Morphology
Ambiguities: 2 morphemes
(Conkur 95 has considered the universe as 2 morphemes.)

Some words can be both 1 morpheme and 2 morpheme (which are also considered in the total pun array).
Divan (demons): 2 warriors
Divan (notebook and book of poetry) 1 version

The external form of some infinitive nouns is the same as the third person singular of their verbs, and we should not mistakenly give them a null form.
It took a long time to sew clothes: sewing has no morpheme, because it is not a verb.
Sew the dress:
Stitching has zero morphology.

(Gray) is sometimes one and sometimes two morphemes.
If the word with (ger) is active in the language, it is (gray) 2 morphemes. Example:
Coaching: There are two forms in total. Because it is not used in our language.
Blacksmithing: 3 variants. Because it is used in our language.

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This post is written by miomo99