Mrs. Louise Hay says that in order to gain self-esteem and self-confidence

Mrs. Louise Hay says that in order to gain self-esteem and self-confidence, it is good to learn to love yourself unconditionally. She suggests 12 ways for it.

12 ways to love yourself unconditionally:

1. Stop blaming yourself
Self-criticism does not change anything. Accept yourself as you are. Everyone changes. When you criticize yourself, your changes will be negative. When you accept and approve of yourself, your changes will be positive.

2. Forgive yourself
Let go of the past. You did the best job with your understanding and knowledge at that time. You are growing and changing, and you will experience life differently.
Forgive yourself and those who hurt you and open your heart to a new window of love for yourself.

3. Don’t scare yourself
End violence against yourself with your thoughts, which is an unpleasant way to live.
Find the image that is pleasant to you and change the unpleasant thoughts to pleasant thoughts.

4. Be calm, kind and patient
Be gentle and kind to yourself.
Be patient with yourself as you learn new ways of thinking
Treat yourself like anyone you love.

5. Be kind to your mind
Self-hatred is because of hating your own thoughts. Don’t hate yourself for having such thoughts. Slowly change your thoughts to thoughts that create life.

6. Admire yourself
Blame destroys your inner soul. Admiration makes it. Praise yourself as much as you can. Tell yourself how well you did everything, no matter how small.

7. Support yourself
Find ways to support yourself. Show your love and affection to your friends and let them help you. Be assertive in asking for help when you need it.

8. Love your negative points
Understand that those points are created to answer a need. Now find new and positive ways to meet those needs. Let go of old negative patterns.

9. Take care of your body
Learn proper nutrition.
What kind of substances does your body need to have the most energy and vitality?
Learn about exercise. What sport do you enjoy? Respect the body you live in.

10. Have fun
Remember the things that were enjoyable for you as a child and bring them into your life today. Enjoy what you do. Enjoy being you, smile. laugh
Be happy, let the world share your happiness. The power of positivity can change everything for the better.

11. Love yourself. right now
Don’t wait for getting better, losing weight, a better job or a new relationship. Love yourself right now and be the best you can be.

12. Do the mirror exercise
Look in your own eyes. Express your feelings of affection and love towards yourself. Forgive yourself when you look in the mirror. When you look in the mirror, talk to your parents and forgive them too.
With mirror practice, you will find out that you are perfect as you are! Loving yourself can heal any problem.


This post is written by Sara_b_h