New rules for German work visa 2021 for all ages

New #rules related to #German #work #visa #2021 for all #ages

Germany is opening up its labor market to skilled workers from non-EU countries.

The new laws related to the migration of skilled and specialized labor to Germany will be implemented from the beginning of 2021. The new law provides opportunities for qualified professionals who are non-EU citizens to enter and work in Germany.

Before applying for a visa related to the new rules, interested candidates must obtain an official confirmation of their professional ability and competence from the competent authorities in Germany. Information about the steps to do this on the site
is available Interested professionals should start these steps as soon as possible. This is possible even before the start of the new regulations.

Qualified professionals, after having official identification documents, can apply for a visa to enter Germany to receive their specific job offer. If the German authorities only partially recognize the professional qualification of these people, the candidates can obtain the necessary visas to carry out further training and relevant examinations in Germany, and at the same time they will be allowed to work under certain conditions.

People who have sufficient skills in the German language and have the financial ability to support themselves can apply for a six-month visa as a job applicant.
High school graduates under the age of 25 who are looking for an internship are possible if their graduation certificate allows them to study at a university and if they have an advanced German language qualification (level B2) and if they have the financial means to support themselves. They can stay in Germany for a maximum of six months.

For professionals over 45 years of age, slightly different rules apply. In order to enter and work in Germany, these people must provide a work contract with a certain minimum salary or the necessary pension documents and permits.

For more information, visit the following site:
which provides the most important information for people with skills and interested in working in Germany.

Information related to recognizing the qualifications and skills of people is available on the following site:

Information related to recognition of degrees and graduation certificates is available on the following site:

Information about where to learn German:
The German embassy in your country provides a lot of information about where to learn German in your country:

This post is written by MTvakoli