New Shanik Plant Products Company operates under the supervision of 4 government agencies

New Shanik Plant Products Company operates under the supervision of 4 government agencies
and has a license from the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade and a two-star electronic trust symbol.

These teas have 4 approvals and standards

1⃣ Iranian standard

2. Health apple of the Ministry of Health (Food and Drug)

3) Eco green leaf (confirmation of the European Union based on 100% natural products and high production quality)

4. HALAAL (an international confirmation of the quality and method of food production)
New certificate of Nyusha products for guaranteeing health in long-term use

Permission from the judiciary

Beloved, whatever product you prepare to lose weight, pay attention to the fact that the apple health symbol is on the product
Even products that are foreign must obtain this approval for customs
And don’t worry, because Nyusha is a sign of a healthy apple

Health certificate from Germany

License of the Food and Drug Administration

You can see all the licenses on each tea.

All Nyusha products have the Eco standard.
The first tea of ​​the country that received an eco license is Newash
It means without dyes and essential oils and completely natural