Newcastle vaccine strain B1
Vaccine ingredients:
This vaccine contains Newcastle lentogen virus strain B1 cultured in embryonated SPF eggs. Each vaccine dose has at least 10 EID506 virus titers.
Form and type of vaccine:
The attenuated live vaccine is lyophilized.
This vaccine is prepared for primary active immunization against Newcastle disease in native chickens and industrial poultry flocks.
Dosage and administration:
– This vaccine is recommended for all poultry flocks at the age of 1-7 days.
Eye drops: To process each 1000 doses, the lyophilized vaccine is completely dissolved in 25 ml of normal saline or sterile distilled water, then instill one drop into the eye of each bird using a standard dropper. This method is the best way to ensure individual mixing and is preferable to other methods.
Drinking water: The vaccine should be dissolved in drinking water. The amount of dilution depends on the age of the bird. In this way, 1000 doses of the vaccine should be completely dissolved in about 10 liters of cool, clean water free of chlorine or other disinfectant chemicals for the 10-day-old bird vaccine. For each extra day of age of the birds, one liter of extra water should be considered. In this method, when taking the vaccine, skim milk should be added to drinking water at a ratio of 2-2.5 per thousand.
Spray method: every 1000 doses of vaccine should be dissolved in 100-300 ml of normal saline or cool, clean and antiseptic-free distilled water. The amount of dilution depends on the age of the bird and the type of spray device.
Necessary recommendations and precautions:
– Make sure that the vaccine is procured from the official distribution network.
– The vaccine must be administered according to the veterinarian’s order.
– Make sure the health of the herd before breeding.
– If possible, inseminate the birds of the same flock at the same time.
– This vaccine should not be mixed with any other live vaccines, the time interval between two different vaccines should be observed.
– Prepared vaccine should be consumed within 1-2 hours at most.
– Birds that are inoculated by drinking should be denied access to water 1-2 hours before inoculation.
– Never expose the vaccine to direct sunlight or heat.
– Because this vaccine contains live virus, dispose of empty vials or vials that have been opened but not completely consumed by immersing them in a strong disinfectant solution (Vitex 10%) and destroy them properly.
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