Notice of the Education Evaluation Organization of the country regarding the fake report cards of the national exam

Notice of the Education Evaluation Organization of the country regarding the fake report cards of the national exam

It informs the candidates and their dear families of authentic information about the results and report cards of the exams, including the national exam, based on the scores obtained by the candidates, and it is published exclusively on the information portal of the country’s education assessment organization and can be cited, and the paper report cards under any title, do not have It is valid and cannot be cited.
In recent days, some people in virtual channels and groups have tried to deceive candidates and their families by using some graphic software or fraudulent methods and by presenting fake paper reports or manipulating their test reports. Candidates are expected to refrain from visiting or paying money to these people and fraud networks or joining fraud channels in cyberspace. Once again, it is emphasized that the valid result and report card in the tests can be accessed and viewed only through the information portal of the National Education Evaluation Organization at the address, and the registration of the accepted candidates is also based on the electronic information sent in the FIM system between the university and the evaluation organization. Education of the country is possible and any paper copy or print is invalid.
It is obvious that the prosecution of the actions of fraud networks in this field is on the agenda according to the approved laws and regulations.