Official road and construction expert exam resources

Official road and construction expert exam resources

Official road and construction expert resources have a wide scope. In this editorial, we try to answer the most common questions of this field and also introduce official road and construction expert books and resources for studying and getting more prepared.

As in the editorial, what are the conditions for registration in the official bachelor’s exam?  We said that the official expert of justice and the official expert of the judiciary are the same in terms of their position, the referral of cases, as well as the procedures for obtaining a license, and there is no difference in the way that in the license of applicants for the official expert of justice and the official expert of the judiciary, a single title, “Official Bachelor of Justice” is included in the license. and the only difference is in the institutions of holding and accepting the official bachelor’s degree.

As you know, an official judicial expert is a person who has expertise and experience in his field and is considered as an expert and has the ability to analyze specialized issues and present a court-friendly report.

The official expert must be an expert and professional in his field because the opinion of the official expert is very effective in the decision issued by the judge of the case. Of course, having work experience is also very important, that’s why one of the conditions for recruiting official experts is that they must have at least 5 years of specialized work experience.

An official expert is not a job, but an expertise and profession that is used in different cases when necessary. Therefore, many professionals and employees of the country can do expert work in addition to their job, by receiving the official judicial expert license, if a court case is referred to them.

The main activity of an official expert is in the judiciary, but due to the process of privatization in the country, departments such as the executive branch and various institutions and organizations can use the opinions of these experts if needed, and often the opinions of official experts are decisive for executive bodies and the basis of decisions. Making and making decisions.

 What are the suitable study sources for the official bachelor’s exam in road and construction?

To enter the profession of an official expert, it is necessary to pass the official expert exam of the judiciary or the official expert exam of the Center of Justice Experts. These tests are not different in terms of resources. And only the authorities that organize these tests are different.

The questions of these exams are asked from the specialized courses of the undergraduate course, and some of the questions have a practical approach that the candidate must answer these questions with the experience and working knowledge of the relevant field. No specific resources have been introduced for this test.
