On the second page, third paragraph, last line, write endothelial instead of endothelial.
In the second page, fourth paragraph, at the end of the first line, the preposition with should be removed, and accordingly, in the third line of the paragraph, instead of causing, it should be written as causing.
On the second page, the last paragraph, the correct form of the first line is as follows: In the coming months, piles of anchor piles will be created, which are called free piles, which..
On the third page, the second paragraph, the second line, instead of through publication, it should be written for publication.
On the third page, the second paragraph, the beginning of the fourth line, after and add the connecting stem phrase.
At the end of the third page, in front of number 3 connective tissue, add the words related to extraembryonic mesoderm.
On the third page, the last paragraph, the first line, before the word spiral, add the word vessels.
Add this note on the fifth page:
Preeclampsia symptoms occur in 5% of pregnancies.
On the sixth page, the second paragraph, the correct form of the fourth line is as follows: and in it the yolk sac, amniotic cavity, chorionic cavity and uterine cavity can be seen.
On the eighth page, in the first paragraph, at the beginning of the first line, the word number should be deleted and accordingly, in the first and second lines of the first paragraph, they should be written instead.
On the eighth page, the first paragraph, the correct form of the last part is as follows: these protrusions are called cotyledons.
On the eighth page, the second paragraph of the second line, delete the term decidual plates.
On the eighth page, the second paragraph, in the last part, instead of the phrase “will not be established with each other” it will be written “will be established with each other”.
On the tenth page, the last paragraph, the end of the third line, instead of Sansetyal, write San Sisial.
On the eleventh page, the one-to-last paragraph, the first line, it means the gelatin binder, the same as Wharton’s jelly.
On the eleventh page, the last paragraph, the second line, instead of remaining, write no remaining.
On the twelfth page, the first paragraph, the beginning of the first line, instead of 10 to 80, write 80 to 100.
On the twelfth page, the second paragraph, the second line, instead of the word “homokriyan”, it should be written “homokrial”.
On the thirteenth page, second paragraph, first line, instead of the word somatomamotropin, write somatomamotropin.
On page 13, paragraph 2, the correct form at the end of the second line is as follows: somatomammotropin is a substance similar to growth hormone that causes…
On the fourteenth page, in the middle of the page, at the beginning of number 4, instead of fibrons, write fibronoid, and accordingly, at the end of the first line of number 4, instead of depositing, write “deposits”.
On the eleventh page, in the middle of the page, number four, second line, write fibronoid instead of fibroid.
On the 15th page, in the third line, write expansion instead of İtsa’i.
#embryonic correction
#Revision of embryology
#embryology correction