Is Janati more equal than Tajzadeh?
Ahmad Zaidabadi
Mustafa Tajzadeh has announced the condition of defending himself in the judicial courts to hear his complaint against Sheikh Ahmed Jannati, the secretary of the Guardian Council.
During the elections of the 6th Parliament, the Guardian Council, while claiming fraud in Tehran’s elections, annulled hundreds of thousands of votes of the people of this city and made changes in the list of candidates for the Parliament.
Among these changes, the name of Alireza Rajaee was removed from the list of winners and the name of Gholam Ali Haddadadal was added to this list.
The Guardian Council actually demanded the complete annulment of the elections in Tehran, which was not approved by the top officials of the regime.
At that time, Mustafa Tajzadeh was the political deputy minister of the interior and the head of the country’s election headquarters. Therefore, any allegation of election fraud was considered an accusation against him.
Mr. Tajzadeh did not accept the transfer of even a single vote in the Tehran elections, and in response to the Guardian Council’s accusation against him, he sued the council’s secretary before the courts.
Nearly 23 years have passed since that date, and in all this time, despite Tajzadeh’s insistence on handling his complaint, none of the government officials have paid the slightest attention to his request.
As a rule, Mr. Tajzadeh’s complaint against the Secretary of the Guardian Council does not mean punishing an old man of Mr. Jannati’s age. First of all, he wants the facts related to the elections of the 6th Parliament to be discovered and revealed and the reasons for the annulment of the people’s votes to be clarified, and especially by re-reading history to remind those who attribute any fraud in the elections of the Islamic Republic to the conspiracy of the great powers, that the first allegation of fraud What faction and institution did the election take place? Secondly, his goal is to verify compliance with the principle of equality of all citizens before the law.
Equality of citizens before the law is the most basic aspect of justice in human and religious schools. In the Islamic Republic, theoretically, the acceptance of this aspect of justice is emphasized because without recognizing this principle, talking about justice will be a joke.
Now, the question is, why isn’t a citizen’s complaint addressed and even the country’s officials don’t answer a single word about it?
As it has been emphasized many times, justice has clear and ambiguous effects; But its first clear effect is the equality of all nationals and citizens before the law. If the governing institutions of the country do not accept the equality of citizens before the law, it is very necessary to explain to the people what they mean by repeatedly repeating the necessity of implementing justice and claiming that they want justice. And if they really agree, why don’t they observe it in practice and discriminate between citizens?
In terms of citizenship rights and equality before the law, what privilege does the secretary of the Guardian Council have over Tajzadeh? According to George Errol, is Mr. Gennati more equal than Mr. Tajzadeh? This is a basic question and anyone who talks about justice without a clear answer means something other than justice!
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This post is written by se1445