Pay attention to these few things to improve your GPA

Pay attention to these few things to improve your grade point average!!

After confirmation and payment, it is not possible to change or edit again under any circumstances! So try to check your information carefully yourself and don’t trust anyone else!

During the registration process, do not refresh the site or click on return because you may not be able to enter the site again.

If during the registration process, the site encountered a problem and you could not go to the next step, this is due to your internet problem or site traffic.

It is better to act in a few hours (preferably when others are sleeping and the site is quiet).

If you have a diploma of the old system, you don’t need to restore the courses of health and hygiene, identity and geology!

These courses are not considered as your final courses, and these courses will not be shown to you at the time of registration.

If the grades you saw at the time of academic record verification are different from your grades on the My Medio and My Sangh sites (which are for registration) and your grades were recorded incorrectly; There is a bug in the site and it will be fixed in the coming days.

So don’t worry and try again later.
