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The future of broiler breeding industry is to reach 1:1 conversion factor

But to achieve this goal, the most important factor is to have a healthy and optimal digestive system

Only a healthy digestive system can help us achieve this goal

The digestive system is the largest organ of the body that has the most contact with the outside environment

A part of the body’s immune system is located in the digestive system, which protects the body against pathogens and pathogens

The main purpose of the digestive system is to digest and absorb food
Lymphatic tissue in the digestive system as an organ to deal with pathogens and immune responses plays a very important role in the functioning of the immune system.
Bursa Farisius, Peyer’s plaques, tonsils and Meckel’s appendage are organs related to the immune system that are located in the digestive system.

The digestive tract of poultry is about 1.8 meters long, which is shorter than the digestive tract of other organisms, but due to the villi and microvilli it has, its area reaches more than 200 square meters, which is considered a large number.

Due to this large size, we are facing many challenges from pathogens and pathogens in the digestive system

The health of the digestive system affects the health of the body, and if the permeability of the intestine increases, we are faced with the phenomenon of bacterial translocation.

It may be interesting to know that the most common causes of lameness that we are dealing with today are due to the phenomenon of bacterial penetration. The penetration of bacteria from the digestive system into the blood and then attacking the bone growth plates and the problems of bacterial contamination of the plates and lameness
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This post is written by dr_m_abdollahi