Portable residential units market

Portable residential units market

Yesterday, residential units for sale in Tehran were offered to buyers at a price of 3 million and 330 thousand tomans per square meter as the cheapest file offered in the real estate market.

Field research of the latest situation in the real estate transaction market shows that: most of the sellers of portable units – units with an area of ​​less than 55 square meters – in presenting their files to the market, have refused to declare the age of the building, and at the same time, by using words that stimulate demand, they try in inducing an inappropriate perspective about housing prices.

The number of residential units with an area of ​​less than 55 square meters, which are highly sought after by housing applicants these days, is at the lowest level compared to other square footage groups.

These units have a share of about 10% in sales files. Interestingly, rental units can be seen in the north of the capital and the most luxurious areas – Zone 1 and Zone 3 – with the difference that in these areas, the price per square meter of these apartments is more than three times that of a small-sized unit in the south of Tehran.

The proposed price level for the sale of portable residential units in the southern and central areas of Tehran shows that currently, to buy a residential unit with a size of 50 to 55 square meters, one must have a budget of about 250 million Tomans, in which case, the facility of housing bonds to The value of 60 million Tomans – not including the cost of buying facilities – covers about 25% of the purchasing power of such apartments.

This year, the purchasing power of mortgage loans in Tehran was supposed to reach 50% for consumer demand and prominent in the market, but the purchasing power of about 35-40% in the last two years has now fallen below 30%. In District 5 of Tehran, which currently has the largest share of real estate transactions in the capital, residential units with an area of ​​50 to 55 square meters are offered with fluctuating prices.

Construction industry information bank

This post is written by poshtibaniTs