Prices of base metals
The price of aluminum
Current price: 2,475.5 dollars
Maximum: $2,475.5
Lowest: $2,458.5
Daily change: $14.50
copper price
Current price: $9,471
Most: $9,474
Lowest: $9,424
Daily change: $38
The price of nickel
Current price: 18,265.5 dollars
Most: $18,306
Lowest: $17,730.5
Daily change: $459
The price of lead
Current price: 2,167.5 dollars
Most: $2,167.5
Lowest: $2,158.5
Daily change: $3.50
zinc price
Current price: $2,744
Most: $2,746.5
Lowest: $2,715.5
Daily change: $33
The price of tin
Current price: $29,848
Most: $29,848
Lowest: $29,848
Daily change: $1,053
This post is written by ircom_i