Primer design training, molecular techniques (PCR, Real time PCR) cloning

Primer design training, molecular techniques (PCR, Real time PCR) cloning

Lecturer: Mohammad Hassan Maliki (with a research background in the field of colon and kidney cancer, neuroscience, diabetes, teaching various laboratory techniques to medical students of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz and Iran, with numerous and international ISI articles)

Special: interested and undergraduate, master and doctoral students

The duration of two three-month periods

Headlines: training on designing specific primers for real time real time pcr (cyber green method), comprehensive training on SnapGene software for cloning genes, steps of cloning genes and designing primers for cloning, training on biomarker analysis and calculating statistical parameters for gene expression changes comprehensive training of primer design for circular RNAs (circRNA), comprehensive training of primer design for microRNAs (miRNA), comprehensive training of primer design for gene sequencing and automatic checking of mutations on sequences)

Registration: For information and coordination, send a message to the following ID.

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This post is written by mahtabmhb