Product name: Herbal slimming and weight loss capsules of Sigol Bostan, Islamic Medicine

Product name: Herbal slimming and weight loss capsules of Sigol Bostan, Islamic Medicine

The principle of the principle

In order to lose weight quickly, in addition to herbal and home methods, fat burning pills are also used. Si Gol Bostan pill can be considered the best fat burning pill that will not cause you side effects compared to other drugs and fat burning pills in the market.
We all know that losing weight through exercise and diet is a bit time-consuming. That’s why some people resort to various fat burning pills for fast weight loss methods, but not all drugs are original and reliable.

Along with exercise and dietary precautions, Sigol Bostan weight loss capsule can reduce weight between 3 and 7 kilos per month

Prepared according to the most accurate scientific formulation based on the temperament of traditional Iranian medicine

Contains aloe vera extract, black cumin, Chinese rabband paste, Abu Jahl watermelon, celery seed and dill, medicinal flower, fennel, washed varnish, black helleola, yellow helleola.

Therapeutic properties of Sigol Bostan slimming capsule

False appetite suppressant
Abdominal and flank fat removal
Strong fat burner
stomach tonic
Eliminate stomach bloating
Chronic anti-constipation
Regulator of fish disorders
Anti-ulcer of the stomach and intestines

This post is written by RH676