Rambad’s child is love! How much capital is kilo?
Dr. Mohammad Fazli
Photo, news, notes and TV report, the news of 2020 is pouring from door and wall about the news of young Rambad’s decision to give birth to his child in Canada and the congregation must have had their blood boiled because of what they call duplicity and weakness of patriotism. The heart of the people is burnt and the thinkers of the people stick their breasts to the oven because of all these calamities so that the pains of the people can be relieved.
Right in the middle of this uproar of news and the smell of burning breasts stuck in the oven, eighty million dollars of investment by the company that owns the dairy and food brand “Kale” burned in Iraq. Quietly, without flashy television and radio reports – neither of the Snappy driver type nor of any other kind – the property of a reputable Iranian company and brand that has revolutionized the country’s dairy industry, gained export markets for Iranians, dozens A thousand Iranians work in its factories, and tens and hundreds of thousands of Iranian ranchers and farmers whose business is dependent on the activity of this industry.
TV did not produce a program to investigate the cause of the fire. The owner of the factory was also denied access to a news program on the phone about the burning of his factory. No one was worried about Iran’s credibility and market share in the Iraqi market and asked what the competitors are doing now to take the place of Kale and what should be done to prevent this from happening.
No one asked, now that the foreign currency income of the Kale brand has been lost from the location of the Iraqi factory, how this company with nearly 17 thousand employees should manage itself in the conditions of sanctions. No one asked how Kale gets the necessary resources to provide liquidity for the activities of its domestic factories.
At all, someone asked how much Iranian investment in Iraq’s industries is, and what will happen to these funds now? Someone asked if we have played an important role in securing the security of Iraq, do we also play a role in securing the security of our private sector investments in Iraq?
No minister answered a question about the burning of the skull and was not impeached. As if there was no other official.
Have you ever thought about the connection between the burning of hats, and the closure of similar hats due to production problems; What is with the desire of the likes of Rambadha to give birth to their wives in Canada? The Rambads think that there is no future for their children in a country where the burning of capital, the closing of factories, and the emigration of financial and intellectual elites are not important.
Their praise of Iran and hatred of Iran at the same time may be immoral, but at least it is rational from their own point of view and that of many Iranians. The consequence of capital burning is Rambod’s avoidance of Iran.
A society in which various capitals – economic, political, social and cultural – are not respected, and constantly burn, smoke and disappear; It is a source of patriotism. Let it go, thinking about this is nerve-wracking, baby Rambod is love! How much capital is kilo?
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This post is written by mkarimia46