Recently, the Honorable Director General of the Engineering Development Office of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development has issued a statement and raised issues related to anti-corruption. The performance of the former vice president of housing and construction and his gang not only shows no sign of anti-corruption in the field of construction engineering, but also indicates centralism and authoritarianism for the benefit of themselves and their relatives in this field, which is the basis for creating systematic corruption. During these few months, Mr. Novirian’s presence in the important pillars of the engineering system such as the Disciplinary Council, the Development Council, the National Regulation Development Council, the signing of employment permits throughout the country and many other issues indicate this unprecedented authoritarianism in the field of the engineering system. Now, how is it that Mr. Noviryan wants to pretend that he is anti-corruption by resorting to the oath of majesty and intends to fight corruption in the future if he stays in this post!! Perhaps, by doing this, he intends to create restrictions for the new head of housing and construction to prevent him from removing himself. In fact, there is no need to resort to oaths and verses, it is clear that they must have devoted all their time to listening instead of working because they had no experience in the field of responsibility they have assumed. If there was a little experience, there would be no need to spend so much time listening. How is it that after months of hearing their circulars are stopped in the judicial authorities?!! It is clear that this would not happen if there was experience. How is it that they not only failed to determine the duties of the Central Council after two months of the elections, but also turned it into a big crisis for the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development and the engineering community?!! Isn’t this the reason for the inexperience of this gang? If they had a little experience and had a little estimate of the volume of legal cases, they would not gather the law firms in front of their respective ministries by issuing monopolistic circulars. Everyone knows that taking the right to sign legal licenses from the general managers of the provinces and giving it to the director general of the ministry, which leads to creating formalities and prolonging the time of issuing and renewing licenses, has no logical justification and is not compatible with any macro and non-macro policy in the country. It is not and has nothing to do with the fight against corruption and it is only in the direction of exclusivity and with the aim of raising the name of an unknown manager at the level of the country’s engineering community. Now, was this the result of hearing so much? Is this how and with this level of knowledge and experience they intend to shorten the hands of the powerful engineering mafia? With this note published by Mr. Noviryan, it is feared that they intend to marginalize the young and novice supervisor of housing and construction by issuing unprofessional and non-legal circulars. Fortunately, the Minister of Roads and Urban Development noticed this situation in time and dismissed his beloved deputy after only seven months. Today, members of our society wish to fight corruption, especially if it is systematic corruption, but we should also know that the engineering community is much more intelligent than it is to not be able to distinguish between populist movements that are carried out with the aim of gaining an apparently anti-corruption image. identify with real anti-corruption measures.
This post is written by monese_ghamgosar