Registration for the Aban code has been opened
Specialist training course for admission and sampling operator of medical diagnosis laboratory (experiment master):
Specially for students of master’s and master’s courses in basic sciences and all people (with unrelated degrees) who intend to work in the reception and sampling department of the laboratory;
5-day intensive course:
theoretical and practical classes before internship; 24 hours in 5 days, zero to 100 training
Comprehensive theoretical and practical course
Theory educational topics:
1- Acquaintance with the description of laboratory duties
2-Ethics and professional communication
3-Professional training for sampling
4- Getting to know the laboratory departments
5-Specialized training in prescription reading
6-Laboratory terms and abbreviations
Consider the continuation of the chapters on the site
Time of holding: 15th of November
Venue: Laboratory
Priority is given to people who register early.
At the end of the course, a certificate will be presented.
Instagram: dr.alireza.erfan
There is enough information about the courses on the Test Master website.
To register to the ID in Telegram
or to the number in Telegram
send a message
This post is written by Orzhans_admin