Registration for the March code has been opened
Specialist training course for admission and sampling operator of medical diagnosis laboratory (experiment master):
Special for students of bachelor’s and master’s courses in basic sciences and all people (with unrelated degrees) who intend to work in the admission and sample department.
They have the laboratory;
4-day intensive course:
theoretical and practical classes before internship; 4 days, training zero to 100:
More than 150 hours of educational video provided to students, all laboratory tests with full details.
1- Familiarization with the description of laboratory duties
2- Work ethics and professional communication
3-Professional training for sampling
4- Getting to know the laboratory departments
5- Specialized training in prescription reading
6-Laboratory terms and abbreviations
Consider the continuation of the chapters on the site
Time of holding: March
Venue: Laboratory
Priority is given to those who register early.
At the end of the course, a valid certificate from the University of Medical Sciences is provided.
There is enough information about the courses on the test master website.
To register, go to Telegram ID
or to the number in Telegram
send a message
This post is written by Orzhans_admin